Delek Transportation, one of many subsidiaries of Delek Group, is one of the largest fuel transport companies, which performs a large part of all fuel transportation at Israel, both for Delek group companies and for other companies. Delek Transportation provides comprehensive solutions for the needs of its many customers - fuel companies, such as UNEX, gas stations, factories, and private customers.
Delek Transportation today owns a fleet of about 100 tankers, towed containers and a fleet of trucks. Delek has operating branches in Haifa, Jerusalem, Ashdod and Beer Sheva. This deployment provides the Company with convenient access to the supply facilities and operational flexibility, enabling it to reach and provide services throughout the country.
Delek Transportation specializes mainly in the transportation of hazardous materials, and leads all fuel products: gasoline, diesel, oil, fuel oil, bitumen and oil. The company concentrates under one roof all the hazardous materials transportation services the customer needs, at any point in Israel.
The company's added value is the quality and reliability of the operations devision and the high level of service. The company's employees are carefully screened and sorted before they are accepted and are known for their high reliability and professionalism in all aspects of fuel transportation and bunkering know-how.
Carrying hazardous materials, fuel deliveries operate under strict safety regulations. The company carries out its activities in the field of transportation through the Traffic Safety Officer authorized by the Department of Hazardous Materials Licensing at the Ministry of Transport. In addition, Delek has extensive insurance coverage both for merchandise in transit and for third party damage.